The revolution against the state – something to celebrate this Fourth of July
As the Fourth of July, the 237th anniversary of America’s famous epoch-staging revolution against Britain arrives, the world is gripped by the strangest of ironies in this strangest of times. The...
View ArticleSurveillance, the Church, and the Prophet’s Mantle
This post takes the form of a critical response to “First They Came for the Whistleblowers,” an op-ed by my friend Chris Iosso over at Unbound: An Interactive Journal of Christian Social Justice....
View ArticleThe Work of Prudential Judgment: Another Perspective on Syria from Catholic...
On Saturday, Sept. 7, 2013, Catholics, Christians of other denominations, and women and men of good will observed a day of prayer and fasting in response to the humanitarian crisis in Syria, at the...
View ArticleAsking a Different Question
Last night in his second national address on the global response to the use of chemical weapons in Syria, President Obama asserted: “If we fail to act, the Assad regime will see no reason to stop using...
View ArticleMarch, Osage County – What Ukraine Reveals About our Dysfunctional Family of...
Viewing the film August: Osage County with academy award nominees Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep during the same week that Russia’s Vladimir Putin occupied Crimea and thumbed his nose at President...
View ArticleThe Scarecrow in the Cucumber Field – ISIL, Ebola, and the End of the World...
In his best-selling book Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (Penguin, 2011), popular science author Jared Diamond meticulously and relentlessly plunges into a wide variety of historical...
View ArticleThe Middle East and the Unintended Consequences of Our “Willful Ignorance”
The words that may turn out over time to have many of the same ominous undertones as Neville Chamberlain’s “peace in our time” was uttered this past week by Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, former head of the...
View ArticleThe Decline of Democracy and the Coming of the Strongman
Russian President Vladmir Putin’s bold military intrusion into the Syrian civil war and tycoon Donald Trump’s unanticipated and too-easily-dismissed electoral ascent share a similar genesis, which in...
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